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Our products are known as Grey Market products. They are produced in the same factories as retail and resell pairs, using the same premium materials. However, they did not pass the brand’s official quality control during production, which is why they are considered unauthorized.
Since they are manufactured in the same facilities and with the same materials as retail pairs, the overall quality remains high. However, because they do not go through the brand’s final inspection process, minor imperfections may be present. To ensure the best quality possible, we take extra steps to identify and correct any flaws before offering them to our customers.
Unlike replicas, which often use cheaper materials to cut costs, our Grey Market products maintain the same premium construction as their retail and resell counterparts. This means they offer the same durability, comfort, and overall feel—just without the official branding approval.
In short, our Grey Market products provide the same high-quality experience as retail and resell pairs but at a more affordable price. You get the same materials, the same craftsmanship, and a great product—without paying the premium retail or resale price.
All orders will be shipped out in 2-5 days, unless your order goes out of stock. If that is the case you will be contacted by our support team through email. Your tracking code will be provided through the email so you will be able to track you're parcel(s) delivery date and shipment status.
We take every precaution to ensure your parcel clears customs smoothly. In the rare case that it gets detained, we will promptly ship a replacement to you at no extra cost.
You can make your return or exchange request via our Return Portal
Within 30 days of fulfillment you are able to return new, unused items for a full refund. Once we receive the return, it may take up to 7 days to process. Please read our Refund Policy for more information.