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See what our customers say about us

Based on 264 reviews

Top Service ✨ sehr freundliches und engagiertes Personal ✨ hervorragende qualität ✨ werde definitiv wieder bestellen ✨

Its great! I love the quality and everything that comes with it! Thank you for double boxing the package so it came safe! Truly appreciated! This is my third time ordering from prsnlplg and let me tell you, outstanding shipping and customer service! Thank you guys!

Materials on this are very solid, can't really compare to the release on 2011 because of the age difference of 14 yrs old shoes. All in all this is a solid pair to this years release.

Great service and shoes fit as always!

Strongly recommend! These are perfect right out of the box! Shoes look exactly in person as they do in the pictures!

These Shoes Are Fantastic.

Showed up timely, packaged very, very nicely and not a scratch on em. Great job Prsnlplg.

Absolutely love my shoes. Highly recommend them!


Woah! The quality on these is insane! Came with authentication and everything! I mean wow what a steal. I’m in love and do they feel great on feet? Absolutely! Thank you!!!

love the color

the sneaker is so nice

Good Quality

I‘mso happy to have this sneaker

Great style and colorway

Everything was perfect I love the shoes

Everything is perfect on them, they are nice and comfy like sb's should be 10/10 will be ordering again

Great Quality and color way

Great Quality and color way

Really nice Sneaker

I love this sneaker!!
Thank you so much!
You make a great job!!


Very cool shoes, perfect fit and very comfortable to wear.

AJ1 Phantom

Great shoe, great price and quality and delivered relatively quick!
Love them, wear them all the time.


Are they real

I wanted to know if they are real or not they feel like any other dunk comfy and look really good

Came in nice! Great reps!

Great reps, no BS and good quality not even cappin. Im frfr (you can also ask them to send pictures/videos before they send them to you and adjust the shoe to your liking)