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See what our customers say about us

Based on 246 reviews

Very cool shoes, perfect fit and very comfortable to wear.

Great shoe!

AJ1 Phantom

Great shoe, great price and quality and delivered relatively quick!
Love them, wear them all the time.


Are they real

I wanted to know if they are real or not they feel like any other dunk comfy and look really good

Came in nice! Great reps!

Great reps, no BS and good quality not even cappin. Im frfr (you can also ask them to send pictures/videos before they send them to you and adjust the shoe to your liking)

Travis Scott x Air Jordan 1 Retro Low OG SP 'Velvet Brown'

Jordan 1 low OG SP Deep Navy

Was very happy with these Jordan ‘s Quality of the shoes are great service also great one of my favourite Jordan’s at the moment, thanks for your service and Quality shoes keep up the good work 💪🏾

They are great, just as shown

Product is Amazing Fast Delivery everything was perfect shipping only took 10 days faster than I expected

Great product !

Incredible material, well put together at a reasonable price.
Great F'n Job !!!!

Beautiful shoe! Quality A1 as always.

Wow! Just wow! Amazing quality! Colors on point! Came with some socks too! You guys are the best I wish I could upload photos on here to show others that these are legit but take my word, exactly like the photos you’ll receive!

best quality of shoes, my second time ordering and doesn’t disappoint🤩

Exceed my expectations after receiving this! Quality of the product is on point well made compared to the legit it's the same! Very solid! Might go on display box.. customer service is always great they go above and beyond on fixing my mistake. I'm very pleased, thank you again! Till next order

Luv the style and materials on this shoe

Luv the materials that make up this shoe

True to size. The material is really good and looks better in person.

Looks great and fit well

Quite possibly the most comfortable pair of shoes I've ever owned and absolutely 1:1. Might have to buy a second pair just to wear around the house.

Very nice Item

Very good Quality!!

Very great all round

Great materials and fit.

Excellent quality. Quick service and delivery.