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In Anlehnung an die Campus 80er Jahre schreiben diese adidas Campus 00s Schuhe das Narrativ für die nächste Generation von Pionieren neu. Aktualisierte Farben und Proportionen sorgen für einen modernen Touch, während die charakteristischen 3-Streifen und ein Obermaterial aus hochwertigem Wildleder dem ikonischen Campus-Stil treu bleiben.
Alle Bilder werden von uns aufgenommen und sind voll repräsent ativ für das, was Sie erhalten.
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All orders will be shipped out in 2-5 days, unless your order goes out of stock. If that is the case you will be contacted by our support team through email. You're tracking code will be provided through the email so you will be able to track you're package delivery date and shipment status
For our EU customers, we offer both free and fast shipping. With free shipping, which takes 7-18 days based on your location, our products are shipped from Asian production factories to our warehouse in Germany or the Netherlands and from Germany or the Netherlands to your doorstep. This ensures a smooth process without having to pay any custom fees or additional taxes.
If you choose fast shipping, your sneakers will be shipped directly from Shenzhen to your address, guaranteeing a quicker delivery within a maximum of 7 days. Please be aware that there is a chance of incurring a custom fee. In the event of this occurrence, kindly reach out to us, and our dedicated team will cover 100% of any custom fees or taxes associated with your order.
For shoppers outside the EU, you can enjoy the fastest shipping method, with a maximum delivery time of 7 days. Importantly, there is no risk of incurring any additional taxes or fees.
You can make your return or exchange request via our Return Portal
Within 30 days of fulfillment you are able to return new, unused items for a full refund. Please read our Refund Policy for more information.
LOVE THEM, just arrived after slight delay, however I have been always kept posted by the assistance and all the process was very well informed. Amazing service!
the support is awesome